Peter was a man with so much faith and hope in God.
Everything was going on so smoothly in his life. Until his world started
crumbling. He begun to lose everything he had. He suddenly became unemployed; he
got separated from his wife and was now living with an extended family member.
He had borrowed money to keep up with his living expenses; everybody felt he
was a nuisance. Times were hard; it really was, he felt so dejected. His
friends and family had all left him.
When he was alone, he sat down quietly and wondered
WHY GOD HAS LEFT HIM? He felt God was missing in his life. The more he thought
about his situation, the angrier he got. He couldn’t pray, reading the bible
has suddenly become a chore he no longer wanted to engage in. the straw that
broke the camel’s back, was when his phone also got spoilt. The only means of
hope was gone. How can he receive feedback from the many employers he had
applied to for a job? He was totally worn out.
One day, he carried his sim card in his pocket and
strolled over to an Auntie who runs a shop by the roadside. He entered the shop
and said Auntie, I just popped in to say hello. The Auntie replied, I have been
looking for you, I have called your phone severally but it wasn’t going
through. Then Peter told him, about his
ordeal. Then his Auntie gave him a phone to use for the mean time. Immediately,
he activated his number, a call came through. The man at the other end of the
phone said. Are you Peter? Then he replied, yes. Then the man continued, we are
calling from this company and I am offering you a job. Can you come for your
appointment letter? He hanged up shockingly, borrowed money from his auntie and
left. His job offer was the most lucrative ever and he even felt he didn’t
deserve it. His first salary was able to pay back all the money he owed and
even had more to spare.
He called me and said, Adwoba, I can’t explain it! This is
God! I said; you gave up on him but
he never gave up on you. All along He was working something bigger for you.
we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those
“who are the called according to His purpose”
(Romans 8:28)
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