Monday, 30 April 2018


Michael was a man who always used his strength in all things. He was a contractor who always used his connections to get contracts thus he knew almost everybody. There was one contract that he wanted, that he could not get. He tried to get that contract through the people he knew but this time it didn’t work. He became very frustrated; this contract will be an end to his financial problems he thought. I told Michael about God and said, why you don’t ask this helper I know and trust that He will do it. Okay he said, reluctantly, but he still tried using people to help him get in, the frustration was getting worse. Worst of all, he wasn’t getting the contract. So he tried my method and prayed and asked God to help him get that contract. After some days, Michael met me and said; Adwoba, I have prayed but God hasn’t answered. Then I said, wait for His will in this situation, you need to abide in God, I concluded. What is abiding? He said, and then I answered; praying and dwelling in the word of God constantly and continually and finally depending on only Him to do it. Wow! He exclaimed, this is difficult. Then I said, it is the grace that will carry you through not your works. After a while, he decided to try to abide in the Lord and he confessed to me that it was difficult at first, but later on it became part of him. The grace of the Lord was flowing from his being not his doing. He went about his normal jobs. He was there one day, when he received a call from the very company he wanted to work with. He couldn’t believe It, God has done it. How his telephone number went there, he has no idea. God really surprised him. From that day until now, He really believes in the abiding.  Now everything you say, he says “go and abide in the Lord “and he earned the name “Uncle Abide” to this day.
“If you abide in Me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”.
(John 15:7)

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